Training & Learning
Jan 25, 2022

How Video Helps with Training and Development

All around the world, organizations are constantly training and developing their team. Whether it’s a new hire or a long-time employee, growing and training your staff is essential. Not only can this process lead to more revenue for your business but it can also help your team excel in their careers.

While almost every organization out there has a training and development program, team members in the workforce feel they aren’t getting enough of it. In fact, according to research, 74% of employees feel they aren’t reaching their full potential at work due to not having enough development opportunities.

Related Reading: Ready to supercharge your corporate training videos? Check our our corporate training video production guide blog post.

As workers want to learn, train, and move their careers forward, it’s up to businesses to improve their training and development process. While there are several different approaches to take, many businesses use video to engage and train their team. Not only are videos an easy and effective way to learn but they can also be watched at any time. Keep reading to learn more about training and development, including how video can help in the process. Ready to jumpstart your training? Download our free e-book now to learn more about training for your employee's success.

What Is Training and Development?

Workforce training and development relates to all activities associated with the growth of employees. This can include training a brand new team member or improving the skills of an existing worker. Many organizations provide digital learning solutions, but others still follow more traditional methods, like paper training packets. As the world is becoming more digital than ever before, video training and development is the future of learning.

How Video Can Help

Video learning can take your organization to new heights. The following examples are some of the ways that video can help with the training and development process.

Helps Teams Visualize

If you’re trying to convey a message to your workforce, sometimes it can be difficult, especially if the topic is complex. However, when you combine engaging video with other learning methods like a discussion or written text, the topic is more easily understood. In fact, people learn best when information is given in multiple ways, such as reading, listening, and visual media.

That being said, if videos are included alongside your other training modalities, the results can be impressive. While video learning doesn’t have to be the only training solution for your team, adding it to your program can lead to several benefits. Learning through video is key in our visually-driven world.

Adds Flexibility

Workplace learning and development have come a long way from years past. Organizations used to simply hand out paper training packets for trainees to read through. Today, things have become a lot more digital. While some businesses still use the traditional methods, the majority of businesses have some sort of digital aspect in their training programs.

Whether teams follow traditional or more modern training processes, many organizations don’t offer flexibility with their programs. This can lead to ineffective learning and even frustration from employees. However, some businesses today provide videos that can be watched at any time. Team managers can set deadlines for watching these videos, and you can even integrate analytics to learn which videos are most effective.

Because most employees have full daily schedules, training videos may not be a top priority. But when these videos can be watched when it is most convenient for the employee, this can lead to less frustration, more satisfaction and better performance from your team.

Increases Engagement

When you think of the more traditional training and development solutions, you think about long training packets and boring meetings. However, when videos are added to the process, engagement increases dramatically. In fact, team members are 75% more likely to watch videos than to read training documents like paper packets, emails, or even online articles.

As these videos are more interesting and engaging for your team, this can immediately impact their job performance. The more effectively your team learns, the higher the chance of improved job performance and employee satisfaction. When creating training videos, make sure their engaging, interesting, and attention-grabbing.

It’s Measurable

If you look at the common training and development programs today, many of them can’t be measured. So even if the training process includes engaging videos, organizations usually don’t understand how effective they are and if they result in better job performance. However, as technology is constantly evolving, several video providers offer analytics in their product solutions. That said, you can track which videos result in more engagement, including the videos that lead to better job performance.

Analytics are key to moving your business forward. Today, managers have the ability to track how many times a video is viewed, if videos are watched all the way through, and much more. If you’re able to learn more about the numbers behind these videos, you can craft an effective, engaging training program.

Why Choose Viostream

While organizations understand the importance of training and development, several of them don’t have the right programs in place. If you’re searching for a high-quality video management solution for your business, consider Viostream. This platform is ideal for educating a large and diverse workforce with engaging videos.

Not only is Viostream perfect for onboarding new team members, but it’s also great for training existing staff. The platform provides detailed analytics, user-friendly video libraries, and much more.

Start your free trial today and learn more about your video possibilities.

Stuart Auld
Stuart Auld (Head of Infrastructure) has broad-ranging experience delivering best practice across customer engagement, technology, and change management.
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