Embedly makes your content more engagaing and easier to share. The most effective platform on the web to engage your audience through rich media embeds.
Why use Embedly with Viostream ?
Embedly offers a suite of tools, APIs, and libraries to help you embed content from media providers into your own websites and apps. Richer content means a more engaging experience for people who visit your website or use your app.
If you're looking for a quick way to develop with embeds check out their libraries or tutorials available for jQuery, Python, PHP, IOS and more.
Embedly also provide a Wordpress plugin to embed Viostream videos.
Getting Started
Setup your embedly account and simple paste the Viostream Play page into Embedly to generate an embed for your system
Viostream supports embedding using multiple methods, all natively through your Viostream. workspace, however if you choose to use Embedly - we've got you covered
Read more about Viosrteam + Embedly here : https://embed.ly/provider/viostream