Jun 4, 2024

5 Ideas for Your Viostream Channels

Sharing and embedding your video is a great way to distribute particular content to your viewers. For sharing and managing large quantities of video content, users have found immense value in Viostream Channels, both for creating standalone video galleries or for managing content libraries embedded into your website.

Viostream Channels have been in use since 2015, but our most recent update elevates user experience, customizability, and distribution options. Here are 5 ideas that will help you to get the most out of one of Viostream’s most popular features.

Add A Video Gallery To Your Website

Viostream Channel templates can be embedded directly into your website via a script or iframe code in order to build a video library without the need for complicated infrastructure management from your IT team. 

By embedding a Viostream Simple template you only have to embed the script once which will then display our video player into your website. Add or remove videos to this Channel through the Viostream platform to update and manage your video list without the need to re-embed. 

The Simple template will display all videos assigned underneath the embedded player through a scrolling carousel. The Gallery template can be embedded to host an entire video library, but can also act as a standalone web page if you wish.

Publish A Hub For Your Video Content

The Gallery template is a dedicated video library complete with multiple sections and organization features. Perfectly treat it as your new hub for your video series with the ability to watch both legacy content and be updated with new releases as soon as they are available.

Your audience can navigate to your Channel much like a public video library but with the focus entirely on your brand. New videos can easily be added, and you can add multiple sections to help direct the viewer to the relevant content.

Training Modules for Registered Viewers

Viostream Channels have the capability to gate audiences through viewer registration, which means you can manually approve certain individuals to gain access to your videos within the Channel. This is a popular feature that Viostream customers utilize in order to securely share company updates, customer calls, and training modules to only the relevant party. Using registered viewers of Channels also grants the benefit of reporting on the engagement of the video on a per-viewer basis. You will be able to see how much of the training content particular people have watched which in turn can be used to report on whether an individual has been trained to an adequate level.

Communicate To Your Key Stakeholders

Like training videos, Channels also lock down company updates and comms to sensitive eyes only. Viostream customers have found value in creating a Channel video gallery with only key stakeholders assigned as viewers. This page can be easily updated with new information while retaining the historical videos, while simultaneously acting as a secure hub that can be accessed with email code confirmation, or through an SSO integration for a smoother sign-in experience.

Showcase Your Company’s Personality

Your video content is meticulously crafted to best showcase your company’s image through branding, language, style, and direction. All elements of display in your videos have been thoughtfully planned out to best communicate your message to your audience. With such high levels of consideration going into your videos, it’s important to also follow up the content by putting the same thoughtfulness into how you will be sharing the content itself.

Viostream Channels provide a professional and elegant solution to video distribution, with options to brand the Channel to best suit your company and message. Your videos are the star and the Channel is the stage to best highlight your company first and foremost.

Now that you have some ideas on how Viostream’s Channel Templates can be leveraged for whatever video needs you require, try them out by signing up or have a chat with our team to discuss your video project in greater detail.

Brendan Sas
Brendan Sas is a digital designer and creator based in Sydney, Australia.
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